Ephesians 1:4

…even as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him

How long have you been in the plan of the sovereign God of the universe? According to the Bible, God chose you since before the foundation of the world. I don’t think scientists have a completely accurate date of origin of the world, but let’s suffice to say, that was a long time ago. Why would God choose you, or me?

He chose you, not of your own goodness, but through the saving power of Jesus. How much did we contribute to our own salvation? Well, definitely the sin that we need to be saved from, but beyond that, absolutely nothing. God’s grace is a gift that he gives us, in Christ, for our good and his glory. He saves us so that we will be holy and blameless. Perfect? No. Striving for holiness? Yes, and seeking to bring as many people as possible with us on the journey towards heaven. That is why God chose you.

Written by Dan Jenkins

Prayer prompt: Awesome God, thank you for saving me. Thank you for initiating your perfect plan to redeem me. But God, please don’t let my salvation only be for me. Help me to love others by showing and telling them of your goodness.

Daily Reading: 1 Timothy 3 (Click or tap the Verses to read them on your device)  

Click or tap here to watch a brief video overview of 1 Timothy. 

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